Public Speaking

Public speaking is a powerful medium for communicating ideas and sharing knowledge with the community. Throughout the year you might find me speaking at various technology events and meetups across Australia.


Event: Global Azure @ Microsoft Reactor Sydney - May 2024

Live presentation on using GitHub Copilot on Azure Policies. Walkthrough through a few scenarios to demonstrate and determine if an AI-assistant can help us in our Policy development journey including live demonstration, slides, and Q&A.


Meetup: Microsoft Reactor Sydney - September 2022

Live presentation on authoring custom Azure Policy definitions including live demonstration, slides, and Q&A.

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Meetup: Microsoft Reactor Sydney - February 2022

Live presentation on Azure Policy as Code (security focus) using Azure Bicep language including live demonstration, slides, and Q&A.

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Podcast: Ctrl+Alt+Azure - 24 Nov 2021

Chatted with guest hosts Tobias Zimmergren and Jussi Roine about managing Azure Policy as Code using Azure Bicep language.

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Meetup: Melbourne Azure Security - November 2021

Live presentation on Azure Policy as Code (security focus) using Azure Bicep language including live demonstration, slides, and Q&A.

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Event: Azure Back To School - September 2021

Co-presented with Casey Mullineaux a recorded talk on Azure Sentinel and Azure Policy as Code using Azure Bicep language including demonstration.

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Meetup: DevOps Sydney - August 2021

Live presentation on Azure Policy as Code using HashiCorp Terraform including live demonstration, slides, and Q&A.

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Meetup: Azure Sydney User Group - June 2021

Live presentation on Azure Policy as Code using Azure Bicep language including live demonstration, slides, and Q&A.

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Event: Global Azure - April 2021

Live presentation on Azure Policy as Code using Azure Bicep language including live demonstration, slides, and Q&A.

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Event: HashiTalks ANZ - 28 May 2021

Live presentation on Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) coding using HashiCorp Terraform, CSVs, and by combining Terraform’s csvdecode function and for_each meta argument. Includes live demonstration, slides, and Q&A.

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